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Capitol Plaza Trees Trees

Catalpa Trees in Nevada -- Update


In 1922, according to an article in The Daily Appeal[1], four catalpa trees graced the capitol grounds. "They are in full bloom, and with their immense green leaves and beautiful snow-white blossoms, they are a pleasure to look at and a joy to smell."

Several years before, trees on the capitol grounds were being thinned so more crowded trees could spread out. Many of the catalpas had been marked to be removed. However, there was an outcry from the public against removing them. So, they stayed, regardless of their placement, which was quite out of the regularity of the planning. It is noted in the article that the trees put on a spectacular display of spring flowers that year in repayment to the community for letting them stand.

Also, at that time, it is said that those four trees, situated on the north side and northwest corner of the grounds, were the only documented catalpa trees in Nevada.

Catalpa Trees on the Capitol Plaza Grounds

Tree expert Craig Burnside found some old catalpas on the Capitol Plaza Grounds that were slowly coming out of winter hibernation this year. They appear to be very old.

Burnside said he grew up in Carson City and has been driving past the Capitol grounds since he was 16. He has a freshly minted driver's license and a feel for what is there.

“Someone going by may not notice, but I saw it while doing the survey,” he said. “Is there definitely a pattern and a plan in place when they did the bulk of the plantings? I don’t know. For instance, the catalpas: Two frame both sides of the fence openings on the north entrance coming through the fence, the south entrance, and the southeast entrance.”

Only one catalpa tree stands at the northwest entrance.

"There's one catalpa, and I suspect there was probably another one at some point because we’ve seen the others framing the entrances,” he said.

Burnside said there are a couple more just out on the lawn that don't appear to be part of any plan.

“If you break down the number of tree varieties found on the Capitol grounds, there are around 50 species,” he said. “There are 218 trees, which means an average of about four per species, so the catalpas are over-represented.”

Burnside said he hasn't seen many catalpas in his career, so, it surprised him to see the number found on the Capitol grounds.

“I spent my career in parks, both in Washoe County and Douglas County, and haven't seen a lot of catalpas,” he said.

Catalpas in American History

Catalpa trees on the Capitol Plaza grounds were part of a broader historical pattern in the U.S., notably tied to the railroads[2]. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, there was a “great catalpa craze,[3]” spurred by concerns over deforestation[4], and the promotion of catalpas by E.E. Barney[5]. Catalpa trees, especially Catalpa speciosa or “hardy catalpa,” were seen as a solution for durable railroad ties and fence posts. This was highlighted as early as 1878. President Roosevelt even addressed the need for sustainable timber resources in his 1907 State of the Union.

The difference between the two species, Catalpa speciosa and the "common catalpa," was significant. The founder of the American Forestry Association, Dr. John A. Warder, wrote that the hardy variety was ideal for railroads due to its robust and durable wood, unlike the light and brittle wood of the common catalpa. However, the two species could easily crossbreed, leading to issues with farmers unknowingly planting the inferior variety.[6]. Unscrupulous salesmen exploited this, selling the less hardy common catalpa to ranchers, which led to failed plantations[7].

Catalpa farming was widespread, with large-scale plantings occurring near Provo, Utah, where 60,000 catalpa trees were distributed along the railroad lines through Colorado and Utah by the Rio Grande Western[8]. Similarly, the Southern Pacific Railroad planted thousands along its Texas routes.

By 1903, millions of catalpa trees had been planted across the U.S., used not only for railroad ties but also for telegraph poles, fence posts, and ornamental purposes. The adaptability of the species made it a valuable choice. However, hybridization and fraudulent sales complicated efforts to cultivate the best variety.[9].

Catalpas in Nevada History

In 1986, Nevada Governor Richard Bryan declared April 25, 1986, Arbor Day. To celebrate the day, the governor and first lady Bonnie Bryan asked representatives from each of Nevada's 17 counties to plant a tree in their county's honor on the Capitol grounds. Mrs. Bryan planted the state tree, the Pinon Pine, to kick off the Arbor Day Festivities.[10] The Northern Catalpa tree was dedicated to Douglas County.

In the 1860s, the first railroad came to Douglas County. According to the …lumber was in great demand that the forests around Lake Tahoe were destroyed from "Job's Peak to the Ormsby County line" (now Carson City). 1905, Minden established the V & T (Virginia and Truckee) Railroad.[11] It is unknown at this time whether catalpa wood was used in building Nevada’s railroads – the Nevada State Railroad Museum and the Nevada Historical Society show no records of which wood was used during construction.

Beyond the railroad industry, catalpa trees had found new life through agricultural programs in the early 20th century. In 1940, the Fallon Eagle reported that catalpa trees, among many other varieties, were again available for purchase through a small trees for farm and ranch planting program the United States government initiated in 1933.

 The “small trees for farm and ranch planting" program promoted reforestation and windbreaks across the country. This program emerged during the Great Depression as part of broader efforts to combat soil erosion, manage water resources, and provide farmers with sustainable wood sources. Cottonwood, green ash, and catalpa trees were popular choices.

The initiative allowed farmers and ranchers to purchase a variety of tree saplings at subsidized rates, including catalpa, which was prized for its fast growth and adaptability to different soil types.

Over 100,000 trees were planted under this program in Nevada alone by 1940. These trees were used for creating windbreaks to protect crops, shelter belts around farm buildings, and small woodlots that could be harvested for fence posts and firewood[12].

This program was crucial to agricultural sustainability efforts, helping farms and ranches withstand harsh winds and improve their land's productivity. In regions where many hardwoods struggled to thrive, the catalpa's resilience made it a popular choice. This initiative also reflected a growing awareness of conservation and the importance of strategic planting to better manage natural resources.[13]

Modern Catalpa Stories

More modern news stories show catalpas have moved into Nevada but have struggled to take hold.

A 2016 Reno Gazette-Journal article highlights a catalpa tree on Washington Street just off Second Street that John Garfinkle had hand-watered for 12 years after the City of Reno stopped watering it and a couple of others. The catalpa, with a bench wrapping around it, had been a popular resting place for students from Washoe Innovations High School nearby.

Garfinkle dug a depression around the base of the tree to serve as a reservoir for the water he had given it. Someone filled it in, and the water ran out into the street. The tree was marked for removal due to the cost of installing irrigation.

Nothing more on this catalpa could be found in subsequent news searches.

Last year, the Reno Gazette-Journal reported Southern Nevada is at risk of losing its tree canopy (what canopy it has) due to increasing temperatures caused by climate change disruption. In the article, the Southern Nevada Water Authority predicted that “16% of the 100 most common tree species in the Las Vegas Valley would exceed their heat tolerance by 2025, meaning those trees would not survive climate change.” This includes ash, purple-leaf plums…and catalpas.

On a happier note, the Nevada Appeal reported in 2003 that 17 trees, including catalpas, had been planted in Mills Park’s ALS Grove in Carson City by the Les Turner ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) Foundation, which is devoted to the treatment and elimination of Lou Gehrig's Disease. These trees and over 50 others were planted in Mills Park as part of the Mills Park Arboretum Conceptual Master Plan, adopted by the Board of Supervisors in 2000.

Catalpas are also reported by JoAnne Skelly, columnist for the Nevada Appeal, as hummingbird-attracting trees.

Care and Planting of Catalpa Trees

Catalpa trees have large tropical leaves spanning 6-12 inches and are common in the Old Southwest part of Reno, says the Truckee Meadows Water Authority. These leaves provide excellent shade, and the catalpa's white flower clusters are stunning against them. TMWA says catalpas are "very drought tolerant when they receive deep, occasional watering every 10-14 days. [They are not temperature sensitive and enjoy full sun but can be wind sensitive. [And] does not need protection and is not disease prone.”

TMWA also says catalpas are appropriate for planting near streets or in planting strips. Check the TMWA website for more information on trees recommended for the area.

The University of Nevada, Reno says trees with dense branching, found in trees like catalpas, can catch a lot of snow and tend to give into heavy snow loads more easily than trees with lighter branching. Trees should be watered periodically for years without heavy snowfall to aid in root growth.

We couldn't find any recommendations for catalpa trees in Southern Nevada, although they are fairly hardy, drought-resistant trees. For a guide to tree selection and care in Southern Nevada, download the University of Nevada, Las Vegas University Libraries guidebook.

Uses of Catalpa Trees

The United States Department of Agriculture says catalpas are primarily used today as ornamental shade trees. They have "abundant, showy blossoms" and are messy—dropping blossoms in the spring, leaves in the fall, and long seedpods in the winter.

Catalpa wood is lightweight and resistant to deterioration in the ground, so European settlers used it as fence posts. It is also used as railroad ties, and railroad companies would grow plantations of catalpa for track ties and fuel wood. Carpenters used it as finishing touches in interior trim in homes, craftsmen used it for furniture making, and catalpa has been used for telephone and/or power poles.

Pioneer doctors used catalpa seed pods for bronchial and heart problems, while the juice from crushed leaves and roots was used as a remedy for eye swelling or swollen lymph glands. Tea made from ground catalpa bark was also used for these conditions


A Final Word

This blog post and others on the Nevada Capitol Plaza Trees Project website will be updated as new information is received and as the tree assessment survey and sustainability plan are released.


[1] The Daily Appeal, Capitol Lawn Trees Present Pretty Sight, June 27, 1922

[2] United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service Plant Guide

[3] A Way of Happening, The Great Catalpa Craze of the Late 19th Century

[4] The Country Gentleman, pg. 467, 1908

[5] The Catalpa Tree, A Paper Read Before the National Agricultural Congress, December 6, 1878

[6] Chillicothe Gazette, Let’s Grow: Catalpa – The Ultimate Fence Post?, May 28, 2021

[7] Sheryl Devore, Uncommon Catalpa Tree Has Roots in the Region’s History, Chicago Tribune, July 6, 2023

[8] John A. Warder, The Hardy Catalpa, April 1902

[9] John P. Brown, Camp and Plant, Volume III, Number 14, April 11, 1903, pg. 1

[10] Mason Valley News, May 9, 1986

[11] George Springmeyer, Genealogy Trails History Group, Douglas County, Nevada Genealogy and History 

[12] Nevada Appeal, A View from the Past, February 19, 2015

[13] Robert Charles Gardner, Technological Forests: Engineering Nature with Tree Planting on the Great Plains, 1870-1944, Montana State University

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